Choti bahu ¤¤¤¤ season 2 Part 1

Jun 23, 2009 16:45

Kahani Ab Tak : Dev discovers his "wife" 's sister is non other than his Dream Girl, Radhika.

NB : Pics courtesy of india-forums for their lovely updates on Indian tvserials !! <3

Dev is shattered and there's a flashback of the recent Rajpurohit ceremony (remember), he realizes he did all that with his lover. He is also angry because she didn't say anything, she lied to him, she hid from him. He is confused, and breaks down. She tries to approach him but he rejects her and goes away, running.

There's a huge storm, Radhika is searching for him but she can't find him, hopeless she kneels down outside, under the rain to pray that he is safe and that he comes back. She turns and he is standing there. She tries to explain to him why she did that but he doesn't want to hear. He tells her he loved her so much and she betrayed him. Then she says that she had to do it because he is her sister's husband. He replies that the proposal was meant to be for her. She says it wasn't and now whatever has happened is the past, he has to act like a husband.

Dev is soooo angry. [i love his character !!! <3]
Then he asks her why she hadn't stop the wedding because she obviously knew she was the one he loved. Radhika tries to answer then figures that she has to make it all stop now : "i never loved you."

Dev, blunt, asks then "so this was all my illusion ? the love i protected for you was meant for nothing ? Then if you didn't love me, why all those secrets, why didn't you tell me face to face that you are her sister, what were you so afraid of ?"

Radhika apologizes for giving him a wrong idea about her loving him. Dev tells her that it's useless. There's a thing she has to understand, it's that he only loved and will only love her, even if it will destroy him. It can't be wash away like that.

He asks her if this is really the truth, can't she let him hug her once, because if he isn't able to feel her love, at least he wants to make sure that she is real to him. Radhika agrees. But then, once in his arms, she can't help herself and hugs him too. Dev pulls her away, shocked and goes away.

The morning after that incident Dev and Vishaka have to get "married" again. Vishaka is ready and the priest is waiting. Dev arrives, late and says : "i don't want to go through it again". He is firmly looking at Radhika while saying that.

To be continued~~

radev love story, choti bahu, radhika, dev, indian soap

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