French magazines about Dramas

Jun 05, 2008 18:17

Yesterday i went to to the supermarket's library and i saw 3 or 4 magazines about Manga but in two of them they mentioned about dramas.

On the magazine Animeland n°140 of April 2008 there's a 2 pages article about dramas. I thought it would be interesting to read the point of view of french magazines, don't you ? So i decided to translate it into english and to try scanlation too. LooL

The second mag is called Japan Vibes N°42 February/March 2008. I only translated two tiny articles on the page. It's about Kurosagi and the dramas of the beginning of the year.

Here you go :

There's also a full page about Kimura Takuya and also the drama Bambino. Tell me if you're interested and i'll post that too.
If you want the french raw article don't hesitate either ! xDD


Voici les scans originaux en français d'où j'ai traduit

Edit 2:
Hmm i just saw some mistakes on my english translations, typo mistakes, nee sorry for that i'll try to correct it soon ! But not problem about the meaning don't worry *runs*

french magazines, scanlation, dramas

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