Dear User,
Below is an answer to to your support question regarding "не могу открыть
Thank you for your inquiry. This IP address was blocked because we noticed
a large amount of spam traffic originating from this IP address. As this
block was affecting legitimate users of the site, we have temporarily
unblocked this IP address, and you should now be able to access the site
However, please be aware that should this spam
activity continue, we may re-ban the IP address in the future. In many
cases, this activity is caused by a computer using the IP address
unknowingly being infected with malware.
We therefore highly
recommend that you make sure that your computer is current on all updates
and that you perform a scan with the anti-virus or anti-malware programs of
your choice. Additionally, you may wish to contact your ISP to inform them
that there is high levels of suspicious activity on this IP, since they may
be able to take preventative action as well.
LiveJournal Community Care Team
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YES (request will be closed automatically):;1651353;q37dr6srs5exjgc;6347643NO (leave a comment with additional details): If you are having problems using any of the links in this email, please try
copying and pasting the *entire* link into your browser's address bar
rather than clicking on it.
LiveJournal Team Вот что умиляет-англоязычный саппорт,
Отсылание за решением проблемы на те самые страницы с колторвых пялится козлинная морда-еще поплевать бы на неё поссоветовали.
Ну и наконец валящийся\ с ип-адреса спам.
ИП-кста. динамический,мобильный интернет.
Какой нах спам, мне траффика элементарно не хватит.
А сейчас пишу это как не бывало. с того же компа и в виндовом ИЕ.
В общем ЖыЖо говно и есть говно, и будет.
Мудаки ебанные.