The last shadows depart

Jan 15, 2007 03:02

For as long as there have been words for it, there has been this soul. It was not mine. Not at first -- for I was born a half-drow many years before my name was Gorlim. Yet when he died, I became me -- my sufferings, my innocence, my Wraith, my curse.

Yet I have died and live again, and my soul is my own, and it is new.

The soul that was mine will always live. It must. Even seperate from me, while I remain myself, the soul, the small light, must go on.

I see you in the darkness, calling to it.

Inside my Self is that shadow veil of who I once was. It is the same shadow that was born a half-drow, the same shadow that gave birth to what I have now become. It is yours now. Take it.

I have learned of souls from my lover and forever-mate. My Namo. I know this soul as yours, as it was mine. I have grown, changed, forgiven. But you are young and new, and you are damaged, and you are lost. This is a soul that seeks its home. This is a soul of tears, and of great joy. This is your burden and your blessing now. Take it. Take me. Take yourself. Take what I no longer need, for I have grown wise and solid.

Take this life.


A shadow veil of Soulness falls away from its previous bearer like a piece of cloth dropped off to reveal the skin beneath, shining and white. It has done this before. It knows itself, and who it must become.

Its name once was Mordred. Then it was Gorlim. Now it is Miniver.

It slides around the force of Miniver to become the soul-life of Miniver, the CHIM of Miniver, the royalty of Miniver. The one it leaves behind is full, and no longer has need of crusading with this darkness. He has earned his reprieve.

Miniver is crowned. Miniver will continue with the soul forever-searching.

Miniver lives. And Gorlim, full, alive, returns to his lovers and his children, his family, finally free.
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