ATTN: IC Caretakers of Kelly

Jun 18, 2006 00:27

[Note: The information in this post has not yet been reviewed for revision by the other parent, and is subject to tweaking.]

The following people are considered regular caretakers of Kelly (that is -- she spends time in their rooms and/or under their supervision OOM):
The fox

The following additional characters may god Kelly into bar posts without mun permission:
Gil Whimple
Mary Anne Bell

[If I've left anyone off of either of those lists who should be on it, forgive me, it's late and I don't have either Rue or Saundra around to ask if they've given permission to anyone else, so these are just the names I can remember. If you were ever given godding rights over the kid, IC or OOC, reply and I'll add you. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of all the characters allowed to god her. Just the ones who don't need to ask first IC or OOC due to previous arrangements. Other characters may god her, but will have to please ping either Ven or Rue or Saundra first.]

So! Because I am the most unmaternal creature on earth and haven't seen a baby since my little brother was born 18 years ago, I went and looked up some stuff on how developed Kelly ought to be now. You get a list.

Gorlim and Eilinel will say that their daughter is eight months old (as of the 22nd). However, they are measuring from the date she was nameed, not born, so Kelly is actually a month older than her parents say she is. I don't figure it makes much difference if people can keep this straight IC, but for anyone who actually knows about babies and should notice a discrepency in age/development, this is where it comes from.

Here is your list of behaviours and whatnot: [taken from a couple of sources, mainly here]
~Teething (in the bar, she may have a pacifier, or chew on a stuffed animal or teething ring)
~Eating solid foods (3 meals per day containing solid foods: cereal, non-citruc juice, green/yellow veggies, fruits, small pieces of meat, cottage cheese, tofu, poultry; though she will still take formula bottles until about a year old)
~She can crawl quickly and up stairs, stand with support, walk while supporting herself on furniture, and is learning to sit from a standing position (as opposed to falling over)
~She can point, wave, blow kisses and immitate other gestures, pick stuff up and throw it, pick up small objects with just thumb and forefinger, search for hidden objects, fit one object into another, roll a ball back and forth, and enjoys manipulating toys with moving parts.
~Her lingual comprehension consists of understanding tone (more so than what is actually being said to her), she understands "no" and will respond to her own name. She babbles a good deal and may be able to say a sparce handful of single-syllable words, though may not do it reliably or in response to a verbal cue. Kelly, being Kelly, will also respond to birdcalls.

The chart I'm using says kids at Kelly's age are at their peak of seperation anxiety and may show extreme attatchment to the parents (especially mother) and fear of anyone else. For Kelly, with her personality, we're going to tone that down a bit. She'll be okay with any of her caregivers, but feel free to play her being anxious of meeting new people or being switched off to anyone but her parents. She's likely to be fine interacting with other adults as long as her current caretaker is within a few feet of her. Other children are fine.

Speaking of personality, a few things about Kelly's:
She's a social, outgoing kid who may display signs of a violent streak. She may throw stuff or hit people, either playing or if she gets peeved. This does not apply to animals. She has been taught how not to hurt them. She doesn't cry easily or get frightened: she's the kind of kid who would see the boogeyman and try to poke at his deformities. She WILL be scared of strangers who get too near her, or try to touch her or any object she considers "hers" before she decides it's okay. In other words, if she doesn't initiate the interaction, she may not be comfortable with it. A stranger's appearance probably will not affect this. She's fine with non-humans. Possibly even BETTER with non-humans because she'll think they're neat. She's curious about stuff and may try to grab things away from people. She likes music: humming, singing, playing an instrument, or an electronic device is likely to grab her attention.

Other stuff:
Kelly has a blanket. It's pale pink embroidered with likenesses of different plants and animals labeled in Elvish lettering. She also has a favourite stuffed sheep she may or may not drag around with her. Otherwise feel free to god her with any manner of plaything you please. She's easily entertained. She also has a necklace with a crystal raindrop on it.

What she looks like:
Kelly is the average size for her age (whatever that is, I can't find a clear reliable statistic). She resembles most 9-month-olds, which is to say she looks somewhat like a potato. She has a good head of dark hair and grey eyes.

Aaaaand just for the sake of including totally redundant information, Kelly DOES have a journal. It is whatyouwhisper. There's nothing on it but a bunch of 5-6 year old icons, but you're welcome to look.
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