Saturday Night Dreaming

Feb 21, 2010 11:33

There is a group of people I know surrounding me. They keep changing into different people. One person I pointed out was Matt. He came up to me, exposing two knives.
He cut my arm, just a cat scratch. I stood there, not doing anything, then slowly started backing up. The people behind him are starting to close in, still changing from one face to another.
Scene changes to Dylan and I, still in the same house, but a different room.
We're just talking about pointless stuff that I can't recall. I know things are alright between all those people and me, for now, and that later on, they'll be back.
Me and Dylan kiss and I get a phone call. It's Viktor telling me that he's on his way home.
We must be in his house.
So we all go outside. Dylan is gone. I get another phone call. This time, it's my dad.
He tells m e to be home in 15 minutes. I agree and hang up. A few seconds turned into 15 minutes and I quickly thought to myself I'm going to get in trouble. I should've been home, already.
So I tell them all I'm leaving, we gave eachother hugs, (weird, right?) then I start walking down the staircase, but from the corner of my eye, I see my dad walking back and forth, looking for something (me) inside. I hurry and jump over the wall that sperates the stairs and the grass and hide behind it. My dad sees me, but he comes outside and jokingly looks everywhere except at me and asks "I wonder where gina could possibly be..."
We both laugh and I stand up.
He gets serious and tells me that a lady just called him and told him she had a dream that I was attacked by a person with two knives.
I thought to myself, how weird... and didn't tell him of what happened.
Matt walks up.
Me, Matt and Dad are all talking about stuff I don't remember. Then I turned to Matt and said something, still nothing I can remember, and gave him a hug, also saying bye.
Me and my dad start walking off to home. I look back to see if Matt looked back, at the same time, which is weird because I do this in real life. But he didn't look back.
Me and dad are walking home. It's dark out and we're passing all kinda of neighborhoods.
This one house has their garage open and a colourful cat runs out and starts rubbing and purring around dads legs. Dads legs turns into moms legs. I look up and my mom is standing there, picks up the cat, kisses it's forehead, then sets it down, turning back into dad whilst the cat is touching ground.
I don't question this, haha, and we both continue walking.
The roads slowly turn into a pastel green hallway and I foresee that at the end of this large hall, there's 3 paths.
The right: The group of people who tried killing me, earlier.
Straight: A living room with no one inside. There's music playing and it's subliminally telling them to kill me. Stupid? I know.
The left: The door to get out.

We reach the end and start heading for the door, quietly. But I stop and whisper for my dad to wait. I tiptoe into the living room and switch cds from the bad one, putting in the Gorillaz. Kids With Guns started playing (haha)!

So we go outside and find change in the crevice where the road and the sidewalk meet.
Me and dad pick it all up, then start walking again until a man comes out from the house and walks up to us.
He asks for his change back. We give it to him.

Scene change: He has us in a room. I'm tied to a chair and dad is on a white table with his shirt off. His arm has been cut up, but still intact. There's a big slit in his chest.
The man left the room, saying I'm next and he'll be back with another utensil to kill me with.
Grand, eh? I felt special.
I guess he didn't tie me well because as soon as he left, I jump out of the chair and run to my dad. As soon as I got to my dad, he slipped him hands out of the rope from above his head.
He stands up and we start running. We weren't hurt.
I tell him he needs to run faster and catch up. No reply. I look back and he's gone.
I go back to the house, but he's no where to be found.
So I leave again. I ran through the backyard, jumping over fences and cement walls.
Did I mention I'm barefoot throughout this all?
I get to this house with big back doors. I open them.
It's a white room with a bunch of tiny christmas trees and procelian dolls everywhere.
They're all lined up, leaving a small walk-through in the middle of the room.
I go all the way to the back where there's a door.
I don't open it. Instead, I (randomly) thought to myself: Lightswitch!
I look for one and behold, a light switch to my right.
The lights were already off.
And for those of you who are surprisinly reading this, when you see a lightswitch in your dream, flip the switch. If the lights stay on/off, it's a dream. If not, get it.
I flipped the lightswitch on. The lights turned on.
I started somewhat panicking because now, I'm thinking I'm in real life and I have no way to escape this..
But then the lights started slowly fading off. :)
There's a noise behind me. It's a shadow of a lady. She's coming toward me, not saying anything but I feel comfort in her presense.
We walk to the door on the wall, open it. It's just a closet.
I look to the far back on the right and there's a red music jewelry box, just like I have, only bigger.
I open it, there's two boxes. One small wooden orange one, and another small green on.
There's key holes but they don't need keys.
I turn back around with the green one and saw miss shadow lady at the door way.
She starts shutting the door on me.
I hurry and stick my foot through before it shuts all the way, somehow now wearing shoes, and then kick the door open.
The door slams right through her and we stare at eachother.
I look back at the box. I was about to open it buuuuuuuuut...
Then I woke up.
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