May 03, 2004 08:52
dun dun dun monday morning and my hair is way greasy. theres this lady in my computer book with a long and teased mullet. wow i laughed. i hate school so very much but so does everyone else so ill shut up. this weekend kind of sucked. i went out to eat with mah momma on friday. it was cute. we went to fridays where stephi was working. than hung out with stace face and k at kid wanted me to do a keg stand but DID NOT DRINK. fucking go me. greg yelled at me. saturday was softball practice than work called and said i had to work late. so i just told him im leaving at 10:30 and that i did. matt fucking dowd visited me along with stacey and the slowest joe youll ever know. i gave matt a free pizza cause there was left over and he just left me. phssttt. than went to dannys. they were drunk AGAIN. i sat in dannys camaro pretty much sleeping while they picked me up and called me fat. it smelled of jack in there though. sunday hung out with chris for the first time in foreverness and than i went to work. my chasity bracelet held up mighty well that day so ha. greg came and apologized to me which is a first.
last night was so pretty, the wind and rain was hitting my window which kept me awake which lead me to think. i hate thinking when theres nothing to think about. that leads me to think of depressing things, i think.
iiim annn idiot