I've neglected this LJ for months, but finally it seems like someone is actually reading it (thanks, Jougetsu!). I guess I owe it to everyone to make an update of sorts, just so no one stumbles into this obscure corner confused.
All my most updated activities - my new fics, new writings, and more - are at The Gorgeous Shut-in:
http://gorgeousshutin.blogspot.ca/The Seinen Kakumei chapters here on this LJ are the earlier betas with (even more) grammatical issues, so be warned guys :(
Other places where I'm active (and up to date) include
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8086621/1/Seinen_Kakumei_UtenaIn the Rose Garden
http://forums.ohtori.nu/index.php, especially around the private sections of its forums.
Oh, and while I've placed warnings in the earlier chapters of the multipart Seinen Kakumei Utena, it seems like the later chapters might not have them. Just so that no one gets a nasty shock by accident, I'll repeat the fic's warning here:
Parts of this work contain depictions of transphobia, controversial shoujo fantasy trans situation that in no way reflects real life trans people, and misogynic magic attack leading to forced masculinization. Read at your own caution.
And that's it. A late Happy 2013 to all reading :)