
Jul 23, 2008 22:05

There's something to be said for being a fan of a band with a penchant for multiple-legged megatours. If you miss 'em the first time through, chances are you can catch 'em on the second leg. So, we (along with thelongshot and katrinb arrowed our way out to the Nissan Pavilion to catch Rush as they snaked their way through the wilds of Virginia. Their first pass last year coincided with Conterpoint. This time however, they found the free weekend. Woo-hoo!

The show, of course, was amazing. While some of us aging rockers can't quite dance in the aisles for three hours, the Boyz obviously have much better exercise regimens. Not only have they not lost even a half-step, I think they might have even been up a notch or two from the last tour! They played most of "Snakes and Arrows" over the course of the night--9 of 13 songs, all coming off excellent live. Some nice chestnuts scattered throughout the show--"Digital Man" early in the first set, followed two songs later by "Mission, "Witch Hunt" midway through the second, and "Passage to Bangkok" as part of the encore. Pretty much entirely new video clips except for the dragon in "One Little Victory", but lots of nice photo montages and animation. I'd describe more, but it's been a busy week and I haven't had a lot of LJ time.

Amazingly for Nissan, had no trouble getting to the parking lots, and fairly little trouble getting out--maybe about half an hour.

music, rush, friends

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