
Nov 24, 2016 21:59

As usual, we had a quiet Thanksgiving, just the three of us heading over to my mom's for dinner. Sam spent most of the visit toddling a continuous circuit around my mom's den, kitchen, living room and dining room, using various objects to test gravity. I tired myself out just walking around behind him.

Despite all the crap that has happened in the world this year, life in our little corner of Maryland is still pretty good. Among the many things to be thankful for:

My lovely wife, who has to put up with all my business trips (15 just this year) even when they fall during Passover or while she's recovering from a twisted ankle.

My adorable son, even when he is sowing chaos, mayhem and destruction around our house. (IOW, being a toddler.)

Our kitties, even when they are causing their own mischief or waking us up way too early on a weekend morning.

Parents who are local and can watch little boys while we go food shopping, or occasionally out for an evening by ourselves.

Making music with friends, even if I really need to find more practice time.

Hope y'all had a good holiday, and see some of you at Chessiecon!

thanksgiving, family

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