Yes, it's time once again for my traditional birthday housefilk, which we'll host at our townhouse in Rockville on Sunday, December 13th, from 2pm til 8pm. (Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!)
We'll have plenty of noms on hand, but feel free to bring munchies or beverages. And instruments, of course! Kids OK, we have TVs for keeping them occupied if needed. There are two felines in residence, although they will probably both hide under our bed. There is also now a baby in residence, who will presumably make an appearance for his adoring fans (*grin*). Presents are not necessary, but feel free to check out my
Amazon wish list if you insist *wink*.
Comment, message or e-mail me if you need directions.
(I know a couple of folks can't make the 13th. Between Chessiecon, a rare Saturday FSGW Open Sing, and a presumed Balticon meeting, it ended up being the best day for us.)