I haven't had a violent dream in a long time.

Jan 01, 2008 15:50

there were two men, convincing others to line up in the hopes of feeling a thrill in taking the life of a human they never met. The men would find someone, and often rip all the victim's teeth out so that no dental impressions could be made on the body. A warehouse was freezing cold, a blue hue. Victims were bound and gagged with bloody rags. A machine pelted glassy pieces of ice that cut and tore apart their naked bodies. Their eyes were taped open so that the shards would pierce the gentle flesh, and no corneal test could be done on the body. They would finally freeze to death, and I could see them, wrapped in white and screaming. A friend said they were coming to my home. I grabbed my only firearm, and shot each in the head in the living room. They kept coming at me. I unloaded 15 rounds until I heard nothing but clicks, and they were still moving. I was crying, I just wanted them to die. I ran up the stairs to reload, and they finally lay still. I woke up in a panic, thinking of how I could possibly keep a gun on my body in sleep.

My brain knows just how to trick me, and it does so very well. The headshots were not centered, but barely up and slightly left. I always have to compensate for the fact that I shoot up and a little left.
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