Dec 30, 2009 05:53
It is the reason I have contacted the heart, lung, and cancer associations to see what could be done. Why do I get punished for not having a filthy disgusting habit ? I guess I just can't go out anymore since I decided to quit smoking because if I do it makes me feel HORRIBLE the entire next day. If I go out, I get rewarded for my efforts of kicking a life threatning habit with a face full of some nasty bullshit that was in 200 other peoples bodies that THEY chose to inhale. See there, that word. By you having a choice I have none. I have no choice because you guys are so fucking lazy and self righteous about your shitty expensive smelly habit, that you are abhorred at the thought that someone would make you go outside to indulge yourself. It's five minutes. And if you are gonna chain smoke you really should be outdoors anyways. I think even a lot of you have to agree that you don't smoke in your own house because of the way it smells so what makes it ok thy you do anywhere???? It's the if you can beat em join em mentality? Weaaak. By the way I quit smoking after twenty years by throwing them in the garbage and you know what? It isn't and wasn't hard and I'm not looking back nor do I miss it obviously. It makes me mad and yes you will all have to hear about it every fucking time it makes me feel sick at some random hour I should be FUCKING SLEEPING!!!!! I know I have a lot of friends who smoke but right now as a whole I fucking hate people who smoke. Gross bot glamourous. Stinky not sexy. Bleeeeeeeeech!!!!! If you only knew what you smelled like....
via ljapp