Weekend plans solidified.

Oct 18, 2007 12:59

So. Tonight I'm going to curl up on my couch after a 7 mile (? if I survive) run. Try to catch Gray's anatomy and pay my honey some attention. I think I'll take Oscar. He's been cooped up in the house with me since the weather has been so rotten.

Friday night I'm going to take Bryan to see that new vamp movie. I'd like to see what style they have and how they've tweeked them. It maybe be a good or bad thing. Most of the time, it's a bad thing. Blade sort of got away with some things for me. I'll still watch that fine ass "Day walker." Ha. I want to take him out to eat too and I need to pick up a little something to give to him. I'm so proud of it. He needs to know this.

Saturday Oscar has a doctors appointment. He turned 1 year on October the 15 and I did not kill him. Rather, I have NOT killed him yet. :D So. I'm really excited that my li'l pup is a big dog now AND got blue ribbons in the dog show I just put him in. Then that night I'll go Salsa dancing with Monica, Megan, Brooke, and them. That should be fun.

I'm stressing out about an outfit. I've gotten drunk alot of the past weekends, so was good sitting at home last weekend. Not to mention there's alot more that goes on in dog shows than what you see on t.v. By the time I got home each day, I was exhausted and was -not- feeling rums and cokes. I am now, tho. :P

And then Sunday I will recover from a wicked hang-over. Cram the HIV meds that I've learned and need to relearn back into my brain. Review infectious disease, because I have another one of those rotations and friggin' PAY for my interview dates in Vegas.

Did I mention I was spending the first week of December in Vegas? -g- I'll find somebody so I won't have to pay for a thing.

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