Jul 14, 2007 06:43
... anymore.
I don't care about the fact that he goes out or whatever. I just feel that when you're in a serious relationship with somebody and you live with then, your ass shouldn't be out until 4 am on a Monday night. Regardless of what you were doing, who you're with. No, we aren't married. I regret that fact in our relationship right now. But, it's a matter of respect for the person you're engaging in "house-play" with. That's all. Respect.
I respect you enough to not be out until the break of dawn. I respect you enough to not be gone for 8 hours at a time as soon as the sun sets. I respect you enough to want to go to bed at night with you.
Oh sure. I got "invited" but let's be really fucking realistic about that "invitation." It doesn't count when it's blatantly obvious the person being invited can't go. I have rotation in the morning. I take what I do seriously at work. I can't go out, even until 12 am on any week night. It's not happening with me. Bryan wants to go out on the weekends, fine. This past weekend it was my choice to not participate. I've expressed my unwillingness to hang out with those medschool kids and stand around rotting listening to boring conversations and feeling excluded by people I don't even consider friends.
And let's not get into who Bryan was probably hanging out with. It makes my blood curdle. In either case, don't take my dog. Don't walk in loud as HELL, take my dog, and leave at 1 am without coming in to check on me.
I'm over this shit. Just imagine me staying out at night with some girl partying until 4 am without Bryan, because he had to be at work at 8 am. I'll be damned if he says "Sure. I don't care."
HAHAHAHAHA. I wouldn't believe him.
I don't know. These fights and these things that I think he does to me mutates my love for him. It makes me not even care anymore.
I just... don't care.