Whoo hoo more dreams.
Gabor was in the house, only he wasn't in Gabor's body. he was more like.. Justin K. Ok. So I'm in my bed with George, because we were sleeping together because we're good bro and sis. So. Gabor comes in and he's suddenly blind. He looks at the light in the middle of my room while turning the lightswitch on and off. He cant' see light. I tell him "You know, My room's light isnt very bright, here, lemme show you the bathroom light."
I guide him to the bathroom light, and he at first turns it on and off with scissors/tweasers or something, because its just wires and bare. I show him how to do it with whatever he's using, by guiding his hand. He stops when I show him and does it his own way. He can't see the difference. The hallway past the bathroom is large and gothic. Dark, dusty, unused. I go to sleep with George.
[side note: I think originally Gabor was Matthew because I remember, but can't remember when, he was feeling around his eye. He said there was a cut under his eyelid, and something was peeling off. I didn't take much notice into it because its Matthew. Seriously. It would also explain why he was in my room and I wasn't shrieking and cursing high heaven. Oh well. He must have become Gabor later.]
The next day Mom and him are talking, figuring out what could have happened. Arthur may have been with us. I don't know. They get to talking, and mom puts forth a bunch of suggestions. "Your optic nerve shifted?" I don't really remember all her suggestions. I do remember correcting her a little, which is odd since they're both opthalmologists. Gabor is glum.
We drive to ATL in the Mercedes Benz. Gabor sits infront of me and tries to grab the seat belt, but grabs the sleeve of mom's cardigan (which is in the same area) instead. I move his hand towards the belt, and both him and mom scold me for it. They say I should just let him do stuff on his own.
We're driving to ATL and I'm dozing off. Suddenly my family is taking 3 cars, and I'm in a car with some weird guy who's following my parents. I figure its split up like Mom and George, Gabor and Aurthur, and Me and this guy. I'm holding onto this piece of scap metal, and I want to take it either to ATL or back home. The guy I'm with misses a turn and improvises, but I drop my piece of scrap metal. I ask if he can go back, and he does. What a guy.
Retrieving my scrap metal, which is by some sleeping matress helping van thing, I find more stuff. A box full of 'discarded' better comfort sleep materials. I'm torn between taking one and just taking my scrap metal. In the end I decide to just take my scrap metal, because I want to be good, honest, just, ect. I thought of Ian and KFC.
Me, Mom, Alex, and possibly George move into a new home, in a nice neighborhood. It might still be Adams Park, or it might be the neighborhood we sorta kinda lived in in Louisville. It was bright, sunny, friendly. We had pretty much finished unpacking stuff, except for a few things. Mom and Alex were in the kitchen, and I was walking around the house. I'll draw a map of the house later. Maybe.
I walked pass the kitchen and entered a hallway. My mom yelled at me not to go into a room because of ghosts, but I had went in anyway. I quickly turned around and walked outside through a sidedoor. I saw some rickety old stairs leading down from the side door, possibly leading to a cellar. I think there might have been a ghost at the bottom.
I turned around and went back in. At the end of the hall I had just entered was the room I had seen. Except it was much different. Before, it had housed a pinball machine, and some other nicknacks I knew we had. Now it housed a lopsided pool table and something else I know we didn't have. Mom and Alex had already left the house, I think, and I was going to the front door when I turned around and saw a Ghost of a redhaired, pretty, middle aged woman. She tried to push me out of the house. Mom and Alex were already out and were saying the doors are what were haunted. I ran back in, making sure they wouldn't let the doors close, and got screw drivers and hammers to try and chissel off the door panes.
To clarify, the door itself wasn't haunted. It was the textured, bumpy parts on the houseside of the door. It was another layer of wood ontop of the normal door. It'll make sense, I promise.
Mom was working on the left door, and we were working on the right. The front entrance opened out, which was odd, with two doors. Alex was chisseling with the wrong kind of screw driver (anything but a flathead) and I helped her chissel right. She was saying something along the lines of "you know it doesnt really matter/it won't work/you're not doing it right." I was chisseling away, and when the first thing of wood came off, I found comics. Old sheets of Anime. It looked a little like porn, and I didn't see much resemblance between the anime and the ghost, but I ripped it off anyway. And ripped, and ripped and ripped. Mom was using a weird looking/awesome hammer she had borrowed from a patient.
I went back inside after everything was done, but the Ghost was still there. I acted rudely to her first, and slighted her. She was angry, and then I apologized, probably because Mom told me to. The ghost and I became good friends, and she became much younger. A child.
Me and the Ghost, her name was Kristy I think, were talking and having a ball. She said a lot of ghosts didn't like me. I was amazed, and so was she. She said "You don't even smell bad, so its really strange!" Thanks. She told me about a ghost down the street, and old, gruff, grey gentleman of a ghost. We decided to walk there together. I told mom, and she relayed the message to either a guest who was in the house, or Alex. We walked out the front door.
We were walking down the sidewalk, took a right turn at the corner, and were waling straight where Alan and probably Matt D. caught up with us. I said, "Get lost, I'm walking with a friend." and Kristy went apeshit. She ran away, through houses, and I had to cut a couple of lawns myself. Alan and Matt followed close behind. I couldn't remember her name anymore. I tried calling out Kristy, but I wasn't sure if it was right. She wouldn't stop. I ran into the house and up a flight or two of stairs to see her. She jolted back down through the floor, but her shoes didn't go with her. I picked them up carefully and slowly walked down.
Kristy was asking Matt or Alan to please go and fetch her shoes, and since I already had them I just gave them to her. She said Thank You, I said I'm sorry, and we made up. She got out a silly little book full of actions she had got from the Ghost World. She explained that she couldn't do anything but talk to us as communication with the living world without it. It had a bunch of expressions, like lick, and chirp, and burp. It was a really thick book. I played around with it a little (she took it out because she wanted to lick Matt) and I gave it back to her.
Thats it.