--I was at a house. I remember walking through it doing something... Looking for things and exploring the house in general. The basement was flat with shag carpeting. It reminded me a little of Dr. Gold's house. Other people were there, but it might have been a party of some kind. A lame party.
Fast forward a bit. There were a lot of very horny guys there, and I was a little disgusted by it. I remember The house became more bright. It must have been the upstairs, with open windows or something. Two guys were ready on the spot to get some. A colonel came in and brought his daughter, who he said was a "party favor." She was basically being forced to be a prostitute. She sat by one of the horny dudes and he was trying to coerce her into going down on him. She was hesitant, and I told her (wrapping my arms around her shoulders): "Look. Your dad is forcing you to do this, but you can say no. You can refuse to do this. It's your choice, not his, and you are in control of your life." She nodded and then sat on the other side of me so I was by the pervert. Surprise Surprise, he's an ex, and I just blatantly refuse to do anything for him. In fact, I pinch him to try and get him off of the daughter.
The Colonel comes in with some more military peeps: 3 people in uniform (I want to say Soldiers in BDU's). A black man, a black woman and a white woman. They all try to get the daughter, but defend her. She's running and I'm holding them back, biting, scratching, kicking. They get past me and run towards her, but she's hidden herself in a bathroom in a room full of girls. The soldiers and I fight with words, them taking orders and me saying it's her life. Obedience vs independence. Eventually they realize she's in the bathroom but it's too late. The Daughter has materialized into water. Now the girls and I are trading water bottles back and forth, trying to hide her. Eventually the soldiers go away...
and we plant her. We go outside into a not so busy walkway/alleyway and pour her water on a plant. She grows quickly as the plant.. a giant root with a bright red jewel in it.
Fast forward several years (fifty for good measure). The city is completely overrun by this plant. I am the plant's force. I am like a ghost, but still alive. Oldtimers know of me and can see me. I'm an old woman, short, wrinkled and stooped, with red frizzy hair and glasses. I materialize from the plant every now and then, and the old timers always say "You're getting bolder and bolder. One of these days someone else will see you!" I'm happy because the city leaves me alone and I am allowed to take care of whatever I can. The city has green splotches of me everywhere, even the sidewalks. I walk past people I used to know and go toward the end of my territory, when I see the Colonel. He's old and stooped now too.
I'm surprised to see him, and rather happy too. Time heals all wounds, and now our past is just water under the bridge. It's good to see an old familiar face. I ask him where he's been and invite him over. I'm walking towards the center of my territory when I look behind and he's still standing there. He says "Wait for me." but I remember waiting for three years somewhere else. I stand on gaurd, and realize he's probably become a ghost/demon. The water puddle I stand on freezes, and I realize I've brought him in. He smiles and conjures up right in front of me, and then turns into me. I try to strangle this doppelganger, but suddenly I feel like I'm being strangled, and stop.
I was at a loss for words. The doppelganger was going to take everything over...
So I woke up. And went back to sleep.
I remember being on the outscirts of the town and wanting to get back to my territory, so I waited at a bus stop for a bus going my way to ... come my way. I wasn't alone. A little boy was waiting too, so I took it upon myself to look after him and try to get him to his destination. Buses came and went, and I almost caught the 3 but it was going straight instead of turning right, so I didn't.
Ta da~ Woke up thinking of Origins (the movie) and walked downstairs thinking about how badly I wanted to strangle Matt until something snapped.