Two fics written for the comment fic challenge at tvrealm, Elementary and SG-1

Feb 22, 2013 23:30

Prompt: Elementary, Joan and/or Sherlock, discovery

Joan Watson dragged herself up the stairs of Sherlock’s brownstone, her eyes nearly closed. It had been a very long day of deductions. She dropped her bag in her room and felt her way down the hall to the bathroom. She was a doctor, after all, and hygiene was very important to her. She scrubbed her face, brushed her teeth, peed, washed her hands, and stumbled back down the hallway to her bedroom.

Joan sat on the bed and unzipped her boots, nearly asleep as they hit the floor with a loud thunk. She pulled back the covers and slipped her bare feet between the sheets, stretching her muscles as her head nestled in the pillow…

…the pillow that felt quite different than it did this morning. What was that? Joan reached her hand up and felt inside the white pillowcase.

It was stringy and squishy, like spaghetti, thought Joan. Kind of like the bowls of rubbery noodles that substituted for worms at Halloween parties when she was a child.


Except this is Sherlock we’re talking about. Joan felt one of the ‘noodles’ move against her fingers.

Joan stifled a scream as she yanked her hand from the pillowcase. She jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom.



Prompt: Any space-based fandom, any characters, "To infinity and beyond!"

I chose Stargate SG-1.

Chief Master Sergeant Walter Harriman sometimes grew weary of repeating the same phrases whenever a team headed offworld. “Chevron one encoded, chevron two encoded,” etc. He started mixing it up a little by saying, “Chevron seven locked,” at the end of the dialing sequence. That soon became stale.

One night while babysitting his nephews and watching Disney DVDs, Walter had a brilliant idea. He couldn’t wait for his next shift in the control room.

It was SG-1’s mission, and the team was assembled in the gate room. O’Neill, Carter, Teal’c, and Daniel Jackson stood at the ramp, adjusting their vests and readying weapons.

“Chevron one encoded…” The stargate turned.

“Chevron two encoded…” The gate continued to cycle and whir and the chevrons clicked into place until Walter got to the final count.

“Chevron seven locked…to infinity and beyond!” The vortex wooshed out and settled back into the event horizon, but the team didn’t move. Each member was looking back at the control room.

Carter was smirking, O’Neill was rolling his eyes, Teal’c was smiling, and Daniel (as usual) looked quizzical. “Huh?”

Teal’c turned to Daniel and said simply, “Toy Story.” Daniel shrugged, still not understanding.

O’Neill readied his weapon again and glanced up at Walter. “We’re outta here, Buzz.” And he motioned the team through the gate.

writing, tv: elementary, tvrealm, my fic, fanfic, tv: stargate

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