Review #2: "Shitsuren Chocolatier"

Jan 24, 2015 22:48

NOTE: SPOILERS. Also, my reviews are all just my opinion, that you may or may not agree with. I try to be fair and not biased, and always give pros and cons to keep things in perspective.

Review #2: "Shitsuren Chocolatier"

My Rating:
2.5 out of 5 stars


Out of everyone from Arashi, it's Jun-kun's dramas & movies that I look forward to the most. Maybe because he's my ichiban. Or maybe it's because out of the five, he's the one who takes on the most projects involving romance. So when I heard that he's starring in another romantic drama, I was so excited. Little did I know that I would be dissapointed.
Of course, throughout the drama, Jun-kun looked so handsome. But boy, his character was just so excruciating to watch. Actually most of the character's in the story were excruciating to watch. Sota who is blindly obsessed with Saeko-san, just wasn't believable. And then there's Saeko who is just a crazy, cruel vixen, who is so annoying that I didn't feel an ounce of sorry for her when her husband started abusing her (which I know is cold, but that's how annoying she was lol). Then there's Kaoruko-san, who was a character that I actually liked in the beginning, but she also ended up being annoying towards the end. And please dont get me started on Kato Shigeaki's character Sekiya who had no substance and no real significance whatsoever to the plot. The only thing that really got me watching until the end was the relationship between Sota and Elena. They really had chemistry, and I ended up rooting that they end up together in the end because Sota was best and was himself whenever he was with Elena. But...... I was gravely dissapointed :(
I understand that the title bears the inevitable, that Sota is a heartbroken chocolatier, but come on, he was already heartbroken throughout the whole drama, why not finally give it a happy ending? Or at least some promising ending that he will no longer be heartbroken.
Maybe they're still waiting for the ongoing manga to end, that's why they left it at that ending. If that's the case, then there better be a sequel or at least an SP in the future.

- The tasty looking chocolates.
- Mizobata Junpei as Olivier looking hot.
- The good chemistry between Matsumoto Jun and Mizuhara Kiko.

- Unnecessary Sekiya character.
- Annoying Saeko-san!
- Unfinished plot.

CONCLUSION: This drama left me heartbroken :(

RECOMMENDATION: I would recommend it only to those who are a fan of the actors acting in this drama. Otherwise, skip it.

matsujun, matsumoto jun, reviews

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