Still going strong.

Jun 25, 2007 11:36

It's been almost 3 years of Kurtis and I knowing eachother and being in eachother's lives. I'm going to say something that I saw someone else say, mayvbe not to an exact, but along the lines, it's true and in our case, is true as well.

"When you have been in someones life, for that period of time, thinking about them and missing them, and then re-eventually coming back into each other's lives, after a says something and is worth a great deal."

We dated at first..then we split, going our seperate other people..still talking here and there, being friends when we could. Though my feelings for him never went away, I thought about him and missed him while he had to go on that leave to work hard in Uni and in work. But then out of nowhere, we just..bumped into eachother so to say. And then, it was like nothing had ever happened, except..I love him even more than I ever have. I fully know we had to take that seperation, weither it was realized or not back then but we had to do it, to be where we are now, to be how we are now. So that our feelings could be just how they are now, deeper and stronger.

I love him so much. It's good to realize things..especially when it comes to the one person you know you're meant to be with.

Now we're ready to grow together, love eachother more and more and I couldn't be happier about it

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