I have to leave for work very soon, but i felt like updating.
here's all the movies and movie related things I have purchased since, last i did this...
I've been meaning to get this for months now, I want to see High Tension in the theaters, but i refuse to, until i see the original, uncut Haute Tension
this was long over due as well!!!
I <3 jack nance
this is one of the most brilliant movies ever made!!! anyone who think differently didnt watch the show, which is rediculous,there's TONS of stuff you wouldnt get at all. All that artsy stuff you thought was david lynch making no sense...? all that stuff actually makes perfect sense if you know what's going on.
only the bset kung fu movie EVER!!!
i was surprised to find this at fye, it's supposed to be pretty fucked up...
my first joe d'amato film!! a good place to start! I found this in the porn section at fye, lol
i know very little about this movie,just that it's completely unrelated to cabinet of dr. caligari, and it's supposed to be reeeeally fucking weird
it was 99 cents at vinyl fever!! I had to get it! lol
lol, this movie is soooo freakin great!!! very troma-esque
Lloyd Kaufman asked me to create some kindof zombie chicken for poultrygeist, LOL! yay!!! i emailed kiel in the special fx department, havent heard back from him though, I sooo want to be in the credits of a troma movie!!!