День Победы в Лондоне, 1945. Видео

May 09, 2015 15:30

Британия празднует День Победы в Европе /Victory in Europe Day (V.E.).
Сюжет киноархива The British Pathé Film Archive. И шесть фотографий

Many people in Britain didn't wait for the official day of celebration and began the festivities as soon as they heard the news on 7 May. © The rights holder. IWM HU 41808. Imperial War Museums. Source

Плоды Победы. 1945. Кинохроника British Pathé

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Описание некоторых моментов видео-сюжета:

День Победы в Европе (V.E.). Лондон, 8 мая 1945 года. По радио объявляется об официальном окончании войны.


Лондонские рабочие вздергивают чучело Гитлера / Effigy of Hitler is strung up in a factory. Кадр из хроники British Pathé

Повсеместная и всеобщая радость.

Панорамные съемки с купола собора Святого Павла. Премьер-министр Великобритании Уинстон Черчилль по радио обращается к нации. Огромные толпы на Трафальгарской площади. Толпы вокруг Букингемского дворца поют гимн. Люди скандируют: "We want the King".

Королевская семья выходит на балкон дворца: король Георг VI, королева Елизавета (позже - королева-мать), принцесса Елизавета (будущая королева Елизавета II) и принцесса Маргарет.


Churchill waves to crowds in Whitehall on the day he broadcast to the nation that the war with Germany had been won, 8 May 1945. IWM Collections. Photo No.: H 41849. Source

Огромные толпы собрались на Пикадилли и Уайтхолл, где Черчилль приветствует народ.


The British Royal Family. Huge numbers of people surged down The Mall to Buckingham Palace, where King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and their daughters, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, soon appeared on the balcony to wave to the cheering crowds. Imperial War Museums. Source

Через некоторое время Черчилль появляется на балконе дворца вместе с королевской семьей.


Men and women dance the conga around a bonfire in East Acton, London on the evening of VE Day. Imperial War Museums. EA 65881. Source

Ночью - танцы и веселье на Пикадилли.


Churchill with the Chiefs of Staff at a luncheon at 10 Downing Street, 7 May 1945. Seated are: Marshal of the RAF Sir Charles Portal, Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke and Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham. Standing are: Major General L C Hollis (Secretary to the Chiefs of Staff Committee) and General Sir Hastings Ismay (Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defence). This is photograph H 41826 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. via

Завершается сюжет кадрами, на которых в саду сидят Черчилль, фельдмаршал лорд Алан Брук, адмирал флота сэр Эндрю Каннингем и маршал Королевских ВВС (Royal Air Force) сэр Чарльз Портал.

Полное описание на английском:

[Spoiler (click to open)]
Full title reads: "THE FRUITS OF VICTORY".


People seated around a radio shake hands with joy as news of German surrender comes through. Scenes of excitement in an office on V.E. (Victory in Europe) day. Effigy of Hitler is strung up in a factory.

Several shots of the people crowded around a news seller buying papers. Close up shot of newspapers headlines "German War Over", "Germany Surrender".

Several shots of the children stacking wood for a bonfire. A decorated London street on V.E. day. Boys throwing wood onto bonfire on a bombed site. Drunken man waving a Union Jack staggering along. Panning shot of the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral taken through trees. Various shots of the huge crowd on steps of St. Paul's singing "Land of Hope and Glory".

Huge crowds outside Buckingham Palace - shot taken from balcony. Clock on St. Paul's with the clock at 3 p.m. Several shots of the Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill seated at desk announcing the end of the war in Europe. Various shots of huge crowds in Trafalgar Square.

Various shots of the huge crowds around Buckingham palace singing the anthem. Closer up shots of women and children with faces at the rails of Buckingham Palace chanting "We want the King".

Royal family on the balcony of the palace - King George VI, Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother), Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret. Crowds waving madly outside the Palace.

Huge crowds in Piccadilly and Whitehall - some great top shots of the crowd. Back shot of Churchill waving to crowd in Whitehall. Crowds outside the Houses of Parliament. Two cars carrying the Churchill party in the courtyard of the Palace. Royal family with Churchill on balcony of the Palace.

Various shots of Nelson's column by day and floodlit. Crowds dancing in Piccadilly at night. British soldier and girl kissing on top of a traffic light. St. Paul's floodlit. Long shot of the Palace at night with royal family on balcony.

Group of Churchill, Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, Cunningham and Portal sitting in a garden. Close up shot of Churchill.

(Mute & Track Negs.)


Пьяный джентльмен(?) празднует Победу / Drunken man waving a Union Jack staggering along. Кадр из хроники British Pathé


С Днем Победы! В фонтане на Трафальгарской площади / Two British sailors and their girlfriends wade in the fountains in Trafalgar Square. Imperial War Museums. EA 65799. Source

Источник видео и описание: British Pathé: The Fruits Of Victory (1945)

Больше фотографий с комментариями на сайте Imperial War Museum London: VE Day

Британия, фотография, праздники, 20 век, видео, война

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