Сложная международная обстановка. XIII век

Jul 04, 2016 17:30

Средневековая исламская наука

Трактат «Жизнь животных» аль-Дамири (?1341-?1405). Рукопись XVII-XVIII века(?). Сент-Эндрюсский университет, Шотландия / Book of the Wonders of the Age. 17-18th c?. The University of St Andrews, ms32(o), 38b. snake wrapped around the world - power to control the planet; the snake had lived in paradise, then was thrown out, cannot be trusted. Source

Змий опутал целый Мир. Он способен контролировать всю Землю. Раньше Змий жил в раю, а затем был изгнан. Ему нельзя доверять.

Картинка из рукописи, хранящейся в Сент-Эндрюсском университете, Шотландия. Изготовлен манускрипт в XVII-XVIII в., язык персидский. 130 бумажных листов размером 40х30 см. Состоит их двух частей, скрепленных в один том. Первая часть - сокращенный вариант «Жизни животных» аль-Дамири (1341-1405). Вторая часть - выписки из сочинения Закарийа' ал-Казвини, жившего в XIII веке.

Камаль аль-Дин аль-Дамири (около 1341-1405 гг. н.э. /742-808 гг. хиджры) был портным, затем стал ученым. Он родился в Каире и большую часть жизни прожил в Египте. Книга "Hayat al-Hayawan" ("Жизнь животных") является наиболее известной из его работ. Имеются два варианта текста, упоминаемые как полный и сокращенный. В книге содержится более 1 050 статей о животных, которые представлены в порядке арабского алфавита.


Book of the Wonders of the Age. 17-18th c?. The University of St Andrews, ms32(o), 38b. snake wrapped around the world - power to control the planet; the snake had lived in paradise, then was thrown out, cannot be trusted

Некоторые статьи более обширные, другие - более краткие или повторяются. Самая длинная статья, например, посвящена львам и содержит 11 страниц. Другие статьи состоят всего из нескольких слов. Статьи повторяются, если животные имеют синонимичные названия, или если самка или детеныш определенного вида имеют различные названия. Значительная часть книги посвящена млекопитающим и птицам.


Book of the Wonders of the Age. 17-18th c?. The University of St Andrews, ms32(o), 38b. snake wrapped around the world - power to control the planet; the snake had lived in paradise, then was thrown out, cannot be trusted

[The Book of the Wonders of the Age. University Library Special Collections, University of St Andrews, ms32(o)]

The Book of the Wonders of the Age. University Library Special Collections, University of St Andrews, ms32(o)

Part of a compilation, comprising two works in Persian, profusely illustrated throughout, front and back covers stamped with stylised sun-head, rebound in 1848. Numbered in Persian. Catchwords.

Part of a compilation, comprising two works in Persian, profusely illustrated throughout, front and back covers stamped with stylised sun-head, rebound in 1848. Numbered in Persian. Catchwords.

f2a. Date of 25 ramazan 1263 within a colourful inscription: 'One thousand beautiful and elegant masked faces are in this society but you are the only one with the true face which is beautiful'.

1. (fol. 3-89b): 'Ain al-Haiyat, or The Substance of the Lives, an abbreviation in Arabic of the famous Haiyat al-Haiyawan or Lives of the Animals of Damiri. The abbreviation was written by Damamini. 'The fifth treatise of the second volume of the Book of Wonders of the Age, or an account of the conditions on land- and sea-animals, comprising a preface and 28 chapters, according to the letters of the alphabet, with the names of animals and descriptions of their peculiarities and an explanation.' The writer has left the translation unfinished or has failed to transcribe completely an earlier Persian version, as it ends with the male partridge instead of ending with the queen-bee.

2. (fol. 91-130): Extracts from the 'Seven Seas' section of 'Aja'ib al-makhluqat (Wonders of Creation) of Qazwini. Cites as authorities 'Abdarrahman ibn Harun al-Maghribi and Abu Hamid al-Andalusi. Picture book with only a line or two of text on each page. Names of places given in Arabic but text in Persian.

The writer has left this part unfinished, some of the illustrations are sketched out but incomplete.

Extent 1 volume, 130ff.

Creator Name: Damiri, Damamini, Qazwini

Admin History: Muhammad Ibn Musa Kamal Ad-din Ad-damiri (1341-1405) was born in Egypt at Damira near Damietta. He became a theologian and an expert in Islamic jurisprudence, as well as Arabic philology, teaching in Cairo and at the mosque of el-Azhar and producing works on Islamic law and natural history. His most famous writing was the Haiyat al-Haiyawan or Lives of the Animals, a compilation of works by many authors to give copious details on the 931 animals mentioned in the Koran, including folklore, proverbs, medical uses and meaning of names.

Damamini was an Egyptian who travelled to the Yemen and then to India, completing his work in Gujarat in AH823/AD1420.

Zakariya' ibn Muhammad al-Qazwini (d.1283), was a Persian physician from Qazvin. He travelled around the Near East serving as a legal expert and judge, including in Baghdad for the governor, 'Ata-Malik Juwayni. Qazwini's popular cosmology was dedicated to the governor. This treatise was first written in Arabic, entitled 'Aja'ib al-makhluqat wa-ghara'ib al-mawjudat (Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing). He also wrote a geographical dictionary, Athar al-bilad wa-akhbar al-'ibad (Monument of Places and History of God's Bondsmen).

Language: Persian

Physical Description: Paper: 16.5' x 12'.

Ранее из St Andrews ms32(o): Хипстеры бородатые. Чудеса сотворенного и диковинки существующего

Источники, дополнительно:
University Library Special Collections, University of St Andrews, ms32(o)
Aль-Дамири на сайте wdl.org - проекта Мировая цифровая библиотека

18 век, 17 век, Книга Чудес, Восток, исламская культура, 13 век, бестиарий, наука, средневековая миниатюра

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