dismal attempt at camping!

Jun 15, 2005 17:43

Read about my exciting day with danes, castles and a punctured mattress.

For a few weeks now I had gotten it into my head that going camping with my dane, would be fun. Oh how wrong I was.
It started off okay, I had my car loaded with all my stuff the night before, and we left home at about 10 past twelve in the afternoon. I had to take Tao on a half hour walk so he could do his ablusions, as whenever he gets in a car he has to relieve himself, one of his little quirks.

So with that out of the way, I drove to Tesco's, as I needed some petrol, and as always, everytime I go there, it was packed. So I had to que behind three people, and the silly bitch in front of me of course has to put £25 of petrol in her car (when I only could afford £5) she then takes forever paying for it, and when she gets back in her car, right in front of me, she faffs with her hair, puts her sunglasses on and just takes forever to move. I was on a deadline here, I had to catch a ferry at twenty to 2.

Amazingly I made it to Sandbanks, and had 3 minutes to spare before it was time to board the ferry. This was the first time I had ever been on this particular ferry, it didn't last very long, but was fun because I was doing it on my own. In my own car, just me and Tao.

The ferry landed in Studland, and I made my way down this really, really long and windy road, alternating between 30 to 50 miles an hour, because of the bloody bends (much fun for a new driver!)and managed to find my way to the camp site. It was down this long, very narrow road which led into a gravelly track and then I had to cross this really narrow wooden bridge to get to my spot, FUN!

But I was secluded for the most part. There were woods right in front of me, so I took Tao for another walk, as he had been in the car for a whie, and bless him, he really needed to go :)

So we headed back to the car and I pitched the tent. Which was rather difficult, as the long lead I had attached Tao to (to keep him from wondering) kept wrapping itself around the tent, as Tao was scared and wanted to be next to me all the time. Considering the size he is, it is amazing how scared this animal gets lol.

The tent was up and now I had to pump up the air mattress. Which took me half an hour of back-breaking arm-aching hell (I had a hand pump, one of those you pull up then push down). I unloaded the rest of my gear and stashed it in the tent. Tao was whinging as me (oh yes he whines and whinges) he really didnt like being outside without his bed and sofa to lay on lol.

After all that was done, I realised how bored I was already, I had a book to read, but I wasnt in the mood for it. When deciding to go to Studland, I had planned on going to the beach, but didnt have enough petrol for the 4 miles there and back again, and then home the next day. So I went in the opposite direction to Corfe Castle (which was only 2 miles away).

As you can see from the pics, it's a rather large hill, and a rather long and lengthy treck to get up it. But me and Tao managed it, but not without huffing and puffing at the top. There are little shops and a village at the base of the castle which were pretty. As we apprached the entrance I noticed that you had to pay £5 to climb up to the castle. I didnt know this, and was slightly appalled at the price. I continued up towards the castle, going slowly and looking around for official people who worked there. As I neared the big entrance there was this little booth, and this youngish bloke (quite good looking :-D) came out and noticed Tao, and made a fuss of him. I explained how I was silly and didnt bring any water for Tao (who was panting his brains out) and bless this bloke, he went back in his booth and brought out a bottle of water and a small bucket for Tao.

Of course Tao being the silly arse that he his doesnt actually like drinking out of buckets or bowls really. We spoil him, and he's use to drinking out of taps and straight from the bottle, which he tried to do as this bloke was pouring it in the bucket. This guy really tried to get Tao to drink, but he wasnt having it, I felt so embarassed about my dogs behaviour lol. I thanked him profusely, and said sorry about Tao's behaviour, and he just laughed it off and said it was fine. I then asked 'seeing as I didnt have any money to go up to the castle, could I just have a wonder around at the base?' And this really, really nice chap sort of nodded his head up to the castle and said go on, it's alright, have a look. I was stunned, I didnt have to pay anything and was allowed to go there for free :-D. Again I said thank you half a dozen times, and me and Te' (short for Tao) went up the hill.

On the way up this group of american school kids were coming down, and of course noticed Tao, and in the throng I heard all these american accents saying what a big dog, and thats a great dane. It was so bloody weird, I had to have a little giggle at it. Hearing americans in real life is strange, I'm so use to seeing and hearing them on tv, it feels rather surreal to hear them in the flesh.

Anyway we had a good look around for about 40 minutes, I think Tao was a mountain goat in another life, because he seemed really eager to climb on the ruins lol. On the way down we passed the nice bloke from before and I thanked and smiled at him again (tiny crush) and we headed all the way down the hill and back to the car....where we collapsed lol.

I drove us back to the campsite, where we went in the tent and just lay still for a while on the mattress. I realised that I had left my music tape in the car and when I zipped open the tent and tried to leave, Tao jumped up, and went rushing out. The bastard punctured the end of the air mattress with one of his claws, and I had to quickly rush to the car get the repair kit and try to fix the hole.

It took me 40 minutes to get the glue dry and the puncture to stop hissing (and me sticking myself to the mattress as well, strong glue). By this time I had phoned my mum on my mobile and told her what happened. We agreed that if the mattress kept losing air, that I would pack everything up and come home. I thought we would be okay, so I was relaxing once again, and about 2 pages into my book, when this group of kids between 11-15 in age came near my tent, and started to muck around next to the stream (where I had pitched) and running back and forth over this loud wooden bridge making laods of noise.

Well I had had enough. The whole point of my little holiday was to get away from noisy kids (tons of them where I live) and I just yelled out of the opening of my tent "DO YOU FUCKING MIND?!!??!" Needless to say they scampered off quickly LOL.

But after all that I was not in a good mood. The mattress was losing more air (just at a slower rate) Tao was farting at me (lol) and taking over the WHOLE tent. There was a tent not far from where I was (that was deserted when I arrived) but now had people at it making noise, and I just thought "no, I dont want to stay here anymore".

So I didnt, I phoned my mum and told her I was coming home. I had my stuff packed up in ten minutes, the mattress taking up most of the time because now it didnt want to deflate anymore. It must have been a humourous sight to see me lay on this thing, trying to get all the air out lol. So, car was packed, we were both shattered, and I had to drive those windy roads with a range rover up my backside for near the entire journey.

I hate range rovers, they always seem to be out to get me and make me nervous.

I was late for the ferry, and the man was closing the gate as I was putting my foot down to reach it, but bless him, he saw me coming and re-opened the gate and waved me through. I was very relieved lol.

So I drove home, and promptly collapsed and re-told my mum about the day I had. Of course I had to unload everything from the car again, so I was even more knackered by the time I went to be last night.

But it was an interesting day to say the least lol.

On another note, I was pissing it down with rain this morning, so good thing I left, and also I didnt have to pay the for the night on the campsite :-D
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