Hey, SPX was a great success!
Here are some photos from my SMILE giveaway, on Sunday afternoon: I gave away two copies of the galley, and a couple of runner-up prizes! Gina Badano won the raffle, and Kathryn Villeux won the Best Dental Horror Story contest!
Rob Clough and
Yuko Ota got the runner-up mini-comic prizes, as their own horror stories were too good to go unrecognized. As well, I feel the need to mention
Dustin Harbin, who didn't want to officially enter the contest, but told me in detail his own
dental story, which more closely resembles my own than any other I have heard.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who entered, and everyone who came and talked to us over the weekend. You are all too kind! I wish I had time to do a full re-cap of the weekend, but time is short and I gotta go do a bunch of stuff!
With SPX behind us, our con season is officially over. I'll be working hard behind the scenes for the rest of the year, and hope to see a bunch of you in 2010!