the commander shepard this pilot knows best.

Nov 06, 2011 23:22

aka, the commander shepard from his canon. major decisions given below.

mass effect
→ paragon male shepard
→ romanced liara
→ sacrificed the council, saved the fleet
→ talked saren into suicide
→ destroyed saren's husk
→ nominated captain anderson to the council

→ convinced qui'in to testify
→ anoleis arrested
→ rachni queen released
→ destroyed the hot labs

→ aided the colonists of zhu's hope
→ rescued lizbeth
→ killed jeong
→ rescued colonists
→ killed the thorian, saved shiala
→ colony saved

→ talked urdnot wrex down
→ ashley williams sacrificed

mass effect 2
→ all dossiers completed, crewmembers recruited
→ all loyalty missions completed
→ defeated the shadow broker
→ romanced tali
→ rescued everyone in the normandy's crew that had been taken (no missions completed before traveling to collector base.)
→ suicide mission completed with entire squad intact
→ destroyed infant reaper

rp: underworld wars

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