Hello worlds of Livejournal. Its been a good long while. I just got off the phone with my sister Candace. She came into the digital world of facebook recently and made a comment about how what she really wanted to do is start at where is is right now and work her way back from there and I really liked that. I say this because i really have virtually a mountain to tackle from this past summer and kind of little blurbs from between now and then. Along these lines I will work exactly there, where i am now. I am in Pensacola. Currently tending to a garden in the back yard. This garden has some pretty scrumptious fruit and veggies in it. I just ate what has to be one of the most delicious strawberries of my life this morning, it was so soft and delicate and the sweetness was subtle but overwhelming. The fact that I have the memory of standing with the hose and spaying water all over it watching it ripen surely contributes to the sense of gratification i got out of consuming it.
In other words as far as where i am right now.I'm feeling a bit better, i've started in getting my room back to being a place that I want to collapse into and have a little hide away of peace and rest and exploration. As of this morning I got a regular sized monitor to hook up to my bay laptop so that i have a computer set up in my room it all has a pretty good feeling about it.
So i just took a picture to give aspect of the here and now.
Other than that where I am right now, is in a struggle to successfully plan. To plane for the future, what i want to do this summer, what i want to do in the fall, come up with that little tick off list that I share with those I respect and care for when they ask what is new in my life. What I want to be doing right now is going to a therapist and figuring out this absolute in-ability to do things academically related as of late.
Anyways here is the pictures from before
I like pictures and how much they can pick up. Moods atmospheres, pending states of delirium.
Anyways someone from work called and asked if i could switch shifts with them and their shift is starting pretty soon so I am hoping into the shower, but until then I like this concept of working from where i am at now then moving back from there. Anyways i say this in hopes that i can be inclusive of all thos wonderful crazy whirlwind of a summer i had.
I send my lovin' and I'll be back with you guys in the not so far-away-future
-<3<3<3 Tif