If neither of your parents claimed you last year then you should be able to file yourself as independent. If not, get your ass into the dean's office and try to work around it. There are ways. I won't even comment on what your mother did. She's still your mother and anything I have to say wouldn't be pleasant.
It really sucks but regardless if you live with your parents or were claimed on their taxes. The federal government looks at your parents income until the age of 24. Pretty shitty I think.
Exactly. Thats why you should speak to your lawyer about all options... including emancipation because once you're emancipated (the judge decides if you should be - it would be interesting to hear her explain the situation) that issue will no longer remain a problem.
My mom did claim me last year and this year. Which means she's the only one who can fill out the form. I can tell her not to claim me, but she'll tell me to go fuc* myself. I don't care what you say about her, for all I care she isn't my mother anymore....
And thanks Joe, I am going to need all I have to overcome this one
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