Sep 13, 2005 16:07
School is going well, though I somehow forgot that it gets touger as we go along, and it's finally starting to hit me LOL. I do enjoy all my classes, and really enjoy the kids in them. I think that this year, more than years prior here at JU, I think that I have been more willing to accept and tolerate different people in my life for some reason or another, and it has served me well. I am even learning too, which is a good thing as well (considering I am paying almost $30K a year to come here, it's positive) lol.
I went to a dinnner party in Julington Creek with Chris and some friends on Sunday. I didn't know a lot of people there, and a lot of them were couples. But for the first time in a long time, I wasn't jealous or demeaning of myself because I wasn't "with" anyone. Maybe something's changing...I can only hope I guess.
Last Wednesday, we went to Farah's Hookah Lounge for College Night. Liz, Dan, Matt, Chase, DC, Katie, Bos, Angel, and I just sat there and shot this shit. It was fuc*ing awesome because I never had that expereince in high school, so I enjoyed it :)
On a totally different note, I really wish I was in DC right now. Not many people get a kick out of judicial confirmation hearings, but I would seriously give a body part to be there for them. It's cool watching them on the news and all, but to actually be there, it would be an amazing expereince. And though I may not agree with everything Judge Roberts stands for, I wholly support him, if not for the simple fact that he is one of the premier legal minds that this country has ever seen and has a grasp on the law like none other than I have ever seen. So that's my political schpiel....
No other news. Hope all is well with everyone else and will update once rush week is over and I find out if I get a bid from Sigma Chi. Wish me luck!
LJ Time Capsule: September 10, 2004
Yeh so I apologize to everyone for the delay in posting. I had a GREAT time at the convention. I met Arnold, former President Bush, Howard Dean (being interviewed on Hannity and Colmes), Al Franken, Sen. Zell Miller, Joe Scarborough, and Florida Lt. Governor Toni Jennings. I stayed right in the heart of Rockefeller Center in Midtown. I got to see the Empire State, UN (as much as I loathe the organization), and Ground Zero. I also had my camera stolen, so therefore my pictures are kinda limited. LOL. The highlight of my trip was being able to go to the Log Cabin Republican functions, and being able to party with the Bush twins. :-)
But, I missed the President's speech due to Hurricane Frances (2 weeks on the heels of Charley). Hence why it's kinda depressing to talk about NYC, but I knew I had to be home with my family. By the way, fly SONG Airlines! They were completely awesome!
Anyway, Frances basically put a bigger hold in my roof and it just didn't quit raining forever! I am seeing the sun for the first time today since last Thursday. A week with rain and gloom. Needless to say, I could go the rest of my life without ever seeing rain, seeing the trees sway in the breeze, or hearing the word hurricane EVER again! But I am alive, and that's all that matters I guess. My dad and I got in a little squabble before the storm, but other than that, everything is ok and I hope everyone is doing well out there!