Aug 25, 2006 00:34
Recently, I went to go see "Little Miss Sunshine," which if you haven't seen, you should. Really. It's a pretty good movie. It's on my top 10 of ones that have come out this year. It's probably in my top 50/100 of movies that I've ever seen.
Not to say that there were no problems or anything. It has it's flaws. But still, it's pretty fantastic. Hilarious (and touching, too).
The music is especially awesome, and I went out today and got the soundtrack, which is superb.
I got a physical the other day. Since I'm left-handed and am playing tennis a lot right now (for school), asked them to do everything on my right side. They ended up giving me 2 shots, which weren't bad at all. Since they weren't Tetanus shots, the arms not sore. However they had to do the pricky-finger thing for minor blood test thing. Anyway, the nurses botched the first one, and had to do it twice. I've come to the opinion that the finger pricky things are by and far one of the worst nuisances ever conjured up. They sting like hell after you get it, and then for the next 2 days every time you touch skin that's just barely close to the area of the cut, it starts hurting like a bruise with needles sticking into it.