Is my life REALLY that interesting?

Jul 19, 2007 10:42

Well, it seems that I'm almost to the point of having a stalker!

Certain people who I decided along time ago not to have anything to do with are STILL checking up on what I'm doing.
They seem to forget that quite alot of profile/myspace/journal website keep lists of who visits your own profile and it AMAZES me that these certain few people keep turning up on this list from time to time!!!!

After leaving these people, I have moved on, not spoke of, not even bothere to worry about what they may be upto! I got over it!!!!!!! But for some strange reason, they still have to keep an eye on me, know what I'm upto or whatever?

ANYWAY, All I can say really is if they are pathetic enough to keep wasting their time to keep checking up on someone who doesn't regard them as scum, let alone friends, then so be it! My profiles are public and can be read by all AND it gets my accounts a few extra pageviews! PLUS I hope they realise that there will be never anything significant about me in them because I'm not about to give out certain aspects of my private life over a public internet!

Why waste your time checking up on a person who wants nothing to do with you? It's like having a stalker ex-girlfriend!

P.S. Also started recieving strange e-mails with attachments, photo's of an adult nature which are similar to people I know, trying to make out these people maybe splashing these photo's on the internet! Nice try, but obviously not the person it was meant to look like!

sad stalker ex friends alone nosey idiot

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