Jul 13, 2006 02:12
As cut 'n' pasted from MSN!
Date Time From To Message
13/07/2006 00:01:57 Anth to Debz - Hello!
13/07/2006 00:02:05 Anth to Debz - This is not Josh!
13/07/2006 00:02:18 Debz to Anth - oh hello daddy
13/07/2006 00:02:36 Anth to Debz - Yet to be confirmed!
13/07/2006 00:03:32 Debz to Anth - lmao, n when it is u have to pay NHS 500 quid for procedure, they dont give student discount
13/07/2006 00:04:05 Anth to Debz - from what I've heard, You will have to prove to me I'm the parent of that child!!!!
13/07/2006 00:04:48 Anth to Debz - I was prepared to take full responsability but some of your "Friends" put alot more doubt in my mind!
13/07/2006 00:05:36 Debz to Anth - ^o) was there sum1 else in the room whilst u stayed here 24/7? ok i admit it, its the 2nd coming of christ
13/07/2006 00:08:49 Debz to Anth - go shove it anth cos truthfully, i dont need u, i dont need your support, or ur supposed "friendship", u just arnt worth it. simple as that.at least im suffering from a serious case of denial, and thruthfully, what have u got to offer me anyway to prove that u would b responsible enuff in anyway shape or form?
13/07/2006 00:11:54 Anth to Debz - I'm glad you don't need me, because there was nothing NOW I was going to provide! I tried to stick beside you, helped you with the garden, your mam's garden, me n Dave gutted your house several time, Me and Aimee cleaned up after your daughter every morning WHILE YOU SLEPT til dinner time (Can't trust me with your daughter huh?Why was I left with her from 8am til 12 EVERYDAY) I helped with
13/07/2006 00:12:26 Anth to Debz - furniture, I helped you through the worst patches with Mark BUT NO! I'm no use, not supportive and I do nothing for you! Try that line again????
13/07/2006 00:13:29 Anth to Debz - As for ONE doubt over that child being mine - ask Dave, telling me Mark was still on the scene in Jan/Feb/March time!
13/07/2006 00:15:00 Anth to Debz - All I want to say since the day I walked out from that abusive, uncalled for txt is...
13/07/2006 00:17:19 Anth to Debz - Your a manipulating, lying, backstabber who doesn't appreciate anything others do for you. Selfish to the core! I've politely tried to get you to tidy the mouldy cups out of your room, sort the piles of laundry in the kitchen, constantly asked for dirty nappies to be removed from the toilet. Friends have offered to help but only to get "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow!"
13/07/2006 00:19:21 Anth to Debz - Christ, even you own mum stood and cried to me and Dave about the state of her daughter and her house! I personally would be ashamed! I'm glad I'm rid of you and you will here nothing more from me regardless of your "Rumours, Rants and trouble causing" with my friends - They trust ME, hence they are MY friends! The only thing I ever want from you is a positive DNA test and I'll step up and...
13/07/2006 00:19:32 Anth to Debz - provide for my kid, til then I don't want to know!
13/07/2006 00:21:30 Debz to Anth - thanx, message saved
13/07/2006 00:23:09 Anth to Debz - save away! Goodbye forever!
Did I miss anything????
And just to point out for everyone to see and know...
I am already convinced that this baby is 90% mine, that has never been an issue, but as everyone would agree, for such a responsability, I'd rather be 100% sure! Hence requesting the DNA test.
I DO NOT deny I'm the father and I WILL take my responsability of that child WHEN it is 100% cast in stone!!!
I don't want a child to find out years down the road that it's father isn't who they thought it was because of that slight percentage chance! It will cause alot of grief hurt and resentment for all involved - This is why I want this sorted NOW!
Looking at it, it's all a bit - "Lister to Red Dwarf!" Tee Hee!