Go the Eagles

Oct 05, 2006 17:36

Well the West Coast eagles won the AFL, Craigie boy and I were very happy and spent the afternoon screaming at the television.

It was a day when the sun was shining and I really missed my friends in the UK. Wanted to invite people round to watch the grand final with our new outdoor furniture, have a few drinks and relax. It ended up being just me and Craig as we are norman no mates.

My overtime has officially finished as I have completed the work for our move to Woden on Monday. I will miss the extra money but will be nice to have my evenings back.

Due to the move to Woden with no furntiture or computer I am taking a flex day tomorrow. I love having flex and is a real incentive to stay in the Government sector as the perks are fab. Another long weekend is ahead of me and I have booked a 30 minute back and neck massage as a treat for the hard work I have done over the last 3 months.

I am also going to cycle to the new building tomorrow morning and see how long it will take me. I have bought a bike map so I do not get lost. I am thinking it will take about an hour and ten minutes one way. Woden is further out than where I was as the cycle would take only 45 minutes. Will have to watch out for the god damn magpies though as magpie season has started. No laughing L.

On Sunday I am volunteering at the RSPCA Pets party and will be part of the dog parade. 4 long term dogs will be paraded to try and get people to adopt them. The job will involve walking around with the dog and answering questions. I found out that I have to go up on stage and talk about the dog in front of hundreds of people. I am pretty nervous about it.

I also found out that they will be giving me a challenging dog as I have more dog experience than the other 3 volunteers. Wish they never told me that until the day as I have no faith in myself. I am taking my beef liver treats and my zoom groom to try and work my magic on him/her. I really want to to be able to show off the dog and hope I do not fuck up. The thing is I did not sign up for the dog parade but for the treasure hunt, as I have the dog experience they must have decided I would be best on the parade.

As usual I am thinking too much into it and should just wait until the day.

L, your wee parcel left on Tuesday so please let me know when it arrives. It is a wee thing but hope you like it.

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