Candidate Analysis: Mitt Romney

Feb 01, 2008 13:00

Favors No Child Left Behind Act
Favors NAFTA
Wants to index minimum wage to inflation
Favors “College Opportunity Tax Credit”
Law & Order candidate
Anti-affirmative Action
Pro Iraq War
Has Three Purple Hearts

From Massachusetts
Belongs to a religious sect distrusted by many Americans
Expensive healthcare plan
Anti Iraq war
Anti-No Child Left Behind Act
Pro Affirmative Action
Pro abortion
Flip flopper
Favors Amnesty
Favors civil unions
Favors multilateralism
Opposes privatizing social security

Romney does have the hair and height for the job, but he comes off as an empty suit. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that the electorate is even less likely to support a limp wrist flip-flopper now than in 2004.

Odds: 3:1
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