Nov 15, 2005 21:53
Today at 11:15am Kate Sikora was driving to Dondaro for her daily Math class, as she was heading south on Washington, she crossed Crooks and was hit by another car that had run a red light! Kate's air bags went off, and as she franticly turned off her car she discoverd that her door was crushed and that there was no way for her to exit, so she then climbed out the passenger side door. As she basicaly looked at her poor poor car, the girl who had hit her strolled over and started yelling at her about how it was all Kate's fault ( which was not in the least true due to the fact that Kate had a green light!) then asked if Kate had a cell phone( what a day for kate to leave it at home), next after finding a kind person with a cellphone, she had the nerve to ask Kate not to call the cops! (Yeah fuck that bitch u ran a red light and T-boned Kate!) To which kate replied," I'm sorry but you ran a red light and we have to file a police report", to which the girl tried to argue, yet the man who was kind enought to let Kate use his cell phone, had witnessed it and told the girl that she was in the wrong and had kate climb in to his truck and prompoly shut the door on the other. The cops showed up, and the girl tryed to argue but it was sooo obvious that she was at fault, and kate had her witness, also Kate's Mum was called and showed up at the scene and worked to calm the hysterical kate. In the the other girl (who just so happened to be a Dondaro student!) was ticketed, and Kate's poor car was taken away, Kate was taken home.
That was the story of my very crazy day.....
by the way i was not hurt, sept for a few bruises.....