Oct 16, 2005 02:01
they say home is where the heart is.
i'm at home when:
-when i'm in the 1st goodhue lounge at 2 am, waiting with the rest of the floor for Cliff to get back from his Rugby social.
-when i'm in liz's basement, watching dawson's creek with her and anne.
-when i'm at a restaurant with my family and my dad is insulting people in pidgin and i'm laughing harder than i ever have while my mom lovingly glares at him and "yells" at him in pidgin too.
-when i'm in ashley's basement, watching lord of the rings and making her stay awake so that i can pour my heart out to her.
-when i'm with the "quad of hate", where mj, aron and I harass rhemi about living with us next year (which will happen!)
-when i'm in tim's basement, watching horrible movies with my favorite SPA people (that includes you tom)
where are you at home?