I could survive for 1 minute, 6 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor So, here's the deal, I'd destroy a Velociraptor. The one in the picture is way bigger than a real one. Real ones only come up to your knee caps. I'd probably get a nasty bite and some big gashes, but I would crush it.
Prefered strategy:
Me up top. Raptor jumps up. I grab it by the head, hopefully avoiding a bite. It tries to pull it's head free, animals instinctively pull back if something gets around their neck, they can't help it. Depending on what happens from there I either begin slamming it's head on the bunk or try to immobilize it's legs and arms exactly like you would a large bird. If I can immobilize it I'd just start elbowing the nape of the neck and back of head to stun/kill/paralyze it.
If I can't get it's head when it jumps up I'd try to kick it off the bed then jump it if it doesn't land properly.
What is more likely is that I'd be in the top bunk waving my arms and hissing and the raptor would be on the ground freaking out hurting itself on the chain trying to get away.