Nov 11, 2007 10:49
I'm just poking my head in (and how Alabama is that) to say that I'm not dead, just don't have a lot of access to LJ. I hope you are all well. I miss reading your daily doings and your great fics and insights on current events. I really just miss ya'll!
Well, we've moved and I'm still trying to unpack, so I'm off to do that now. I unfortunately do not have a lot of energy these days and I have to conserve it.
Other than that, we all all well here - just really tied up with work, school for the 10 year old gooseboy, and so forth. Husband has started a new job recently and seems to like it. Gooseboy lost a molar today, and he was really cool about it. He's been slow to lose teeth - I think this is about the first in at least two years. I know this is probably too much info, but there you go.