there's something absurdly cute about them.
even if she's a complete head case
...and vaguely resembles a furby.
today was really quite cute :]
Renee and i bragged about the adventure we had the night before,
we laughed when awful British actors butchered Moliere,
Dan Sheridan sang Dido songs...awesome.
after class, i made up an essay in Sienna Hall,
where i found Sheena registering, so we went off together.
we met Paolo and went to RVC for some Blue Moon.
his parent's found out about his boyfriend, he got kicked out,
i told him to come by me if he needed a place to stay.
it's really not fair at all, i feel terrible.
anyway, we had a good lunch, then we parted ways...
French was usual, lol.
she called on me to speak about our lunch at a resturant,
and i forgot every resturant word ever, haha.
i'm just going balls out for the final, hoping i pass.
[yes, Sarika, i'm aware that that was a very tool-y thing to say.]
when i came home, Jim and i followed the Met game online.
he needs to marry Renee now,
so i can come over their house &&hang out, lol.
they're definitely my two favorite ppl right now :D
i have to write a paper for tomorrow night's class,
and do the late paper i owe for history,
then two reactions for music, &&&I'M DONE.
OMFG. that's amazing.
college fucking owns, no joke.
i'm such a tool, lol.