Feb 01, 2006 06:55
My band went to shit, the battle fell through, zach never showed.. I'm really bummed that we dissapointed a lot of people, but right now i feel we're stronger than ever. We're strting over; I'm taking up vocals, and don is stepping it up on all guitar responsibilities. As usual for any band in ohio, we still need a drummer. this shit is going to blow your mind. We're really intrested in bringing back the primitiveness in early hardcore music while still keeping the intensity of a lot of modern shit. Over the last year or so I've reall gained a disliking for a lot of metal/metalcore. Metal is fucking terrible, the guitar work is hideous, and everyone writes about the same damn thing, death, depression, and a broken heart. It's unoriginal to say the least that everyone is making money off of the same exploits, but that isn't the music that moves people. I want to move people, I want to open people's minds like punk and hardcore originally was intended to do. Fuck Fashion, straight-edge, and drug groups. Unity needs to be enstated among all people throught he simple idea that you're an individual and you can think for yourself and express yourself in your own creative way. I pieced together about 3 songs from my witings over the last year, and a couple more on the spot.
"Living Proof That God Does Not Exist"
How could you wander through life looking at the sky and asking for the answers?
You built up strength through placebic ideals and false hope
But, God is here
He is here to help us all
Just open your eyes and his grace can be seen
His grace can be seen through the eyes of the thousands of families in the incinerators
through the eyes of children being raped.
Holy be the day you lose hope
Holy be the day the check your big thick book wrote you bounces
Damned be the naive