(no subject)

May 08, 2005 20:41

i have had the best time.
smitty is so gorgous/
i wanna feel the way he makes me feel when im with him,
because that feeling i have to wave goodbye to
when he turns to leave
he says the most beautiful things and suprises me
with the most beautiful suprises.
yesterday was one month, he bought me a magnadoodle, its a
joke that goes way back to like two weeks ago, where i nicked
some 3 year olds magnadoodle to play with. i love em to death.
when he handed it to me with a kiss on the cheek, my eyes lit up.
my smile stretched across my face and i couldnt stop smiling for the whole
night. i felt so happy, like a child. omg that doesnt even begin to describe
how happy and giggly i was yesterday morning. he stayed at my house on friday night and
we talked and talked about all the things that have happened, all about laura,
and how worried i am for her, everything i say to him, it could be about anything, he
doesnt judge or say anything hurtful, he is beautiful, and i am so horribly greatful
to have him. if any of my friends could see how well he treats me, they would see how right he is.
with the things he says to me, i can never help but wonder, how i wound up with someone so perfect, someone that knows me better than anyone. someone who makes me cry tears of joy.
now, tears are rolling down my face uncontrollably, because i feel so lucky to be with him.
all my problems burn to ash when he is around me and all the walls disappear with nothing to
surround me. i open up, and i love being able to say anything, and not be looked
down on. i wonder how i deserve someone who can treat me so well. and stay with me no matter what, some of the things he says to me make me shudder with happiness, because they hit me so hard with love.
everymove we make together, makes me so happy i have him by my side, and if i could i would shout it out so the world could hear it. that were together and i am the happiest i have been in years. everything with my dad had bought me so far down, every time he hurt me, with all his hurtful words, michaels been there to make me smile. to make me laugh, giggle. if he had any idea, even slightly how happy i am to have him he would know, i dont want to let him go. all of lauras hurts and bruisings to her soul, have hurt me more than anything. in the past month, he has held my hand and lifted my chin when it dropped. the tears keep running and i keep smiling. the other night i was soooo down. i cried uncontrollably, and smitty was there to hold me and tell me it was okay, even though nothing was wrong, it was just me feeling helpless and feeling like the world had placed itself heavily on my shoulders. i was so upset, and it didnt seem for a reason, but he was there. my menstrual cycle messes with my head and toys with my emotions. finally a boy who understands. if i could say what it meant to me to be with him, i would, but words just dont live up to it, so all i can say is that i love being made feel like i mean something, and i love having him there. no matter what. he once told me if i needed to talk to someone i could call him, even if it was three in the morning. i thought to myself, my god, this boy is the best im ever gonna get.and i still stand by that thought. because thats how i feel.

today i spent the after noon with smitty and his family, and i had i ball, i bought his mum ugg boots, for mothers day and my mum knickers and chocolates. they were both really happy. then we cam back to mine, and i locked us out of the main house, go me...*rolls eyes* then smitty was feeling really sick with a head ache and a temperature, so i gave him some tablets and snuggled up to him.

well chicargos on tv, and i love that movie to death, so i think ill go and bum dance to that. lol.

ciao. xoxo
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