Apr 04, 2005 17:51
hey. today was my great grand pas funeral, i didnt want to go, because i hate funerals. it was okay though. mum sang and i nearly cried, but i didnt. weir i sually break down into tears. i have this ring, which he made out of a twenty cent peice. i love it. and my nan has the matching bracelet with her name carved into it, which he made too. i ran away from my whiskery auntie... about 400 times, and i ate free jelly. and lots of other food.
all up... i missed out on hanging out with chloe, and hanging out with smitty, so yeah, i hate funerals.
my whole family was there, i met cousins that were my nanas age, i was like wtf... go away.
im going aweay with tammy this weekend, see if we can patch things up. hopefully, she wont be annoying, because she was a good friend, just i danno something happened and i wanna know what it was, so im gonna go away with her to her dads. hopefully i can teach her to find someting else better to talk about than everyother girls business.
there i go... hmm... should i of said yes....oh well its only for two days.. but then shes good in small doses... oh crap...but it will be fun, i think were going ice skating, oh fuck, i cant even normally roller skate...this will be interesting.
anyway, wish me luck.