Mar 30, 2005 18:33
umm... today was fun, i guess. we peirced lauras other ear...ha ha ha, let me tell you, i wasnt hungry after that, but i ate anyway, because its me, and there was food there. me and laura were playing lecross for sport, after watching iceage in class, i picked up a dandilion, and ate it.... it didnt taste very nice, but yeah... 'with this stick, and my highly evolved brain, i shall create fire' -lord of the flame. lol sydly. anyway, yes okay i cried in the movie, because it was sad. laura thought it as funny. dan, dan, the cheerleading man, has a thing for laura, even though hes gay. its weird, i think hes trying to prove something, but im not sure what yet. hm... ill get onto that. then after school i went to the dentist, i was like nervous as. it was $100 bucks for a f ing check up. i was like... :S oops.. but yeah, he just cam out with all this shit thats wrong with my teeth, and he has to pull one out and do all this shit next week, and i am FUCKING SHITTING MYSELF!!!! my pants will be bogged in, no im totally kidding. being called for dinner.
im back. ummm yeah im gonna try send an email to adam.... umm..yeah. lets see how that goes.