im at belvedere park primary school

Mar 21, 2005 14:01 i am at belvedere. its weird all my friends are here. its like orange day, everyone is in orange...my6 brother didnt have orange so now he looks like a homie wearing cris' old shirt. hes so gay. hes like wearing the school hat..he he joyfully. im meant to be painting a mural but we managed to con tony into getting maccas for lunch so im chomping on fries after finishing my BIG MAC! yum yum...we got into the computers ha ha ha. there are like little whores everywhere....belvedere is like slut central.this fat kid called me a heffa and i laughed my head off. hes like
'do you even know what a heffa is?'
'yeah.... its a fat kid'
'no its not, its a big female cow bitch'
'do you even know what a bitch is?'
'clearly you dont because a bitch is a female dog, not a female cow'
it was funny, then hes like
'well i know what it means, because i invented the word'
yeah everyoine just laughs at him...then theres this peetree kid...he he, i thought his actual name was peetree, but he thinks its david. whatever...
laura is taking a stand. thank god. but its not as if i hate hardcore people its only that like they piss me off and that i cant stand being around them. laura has pointed out to me the one thing i couldnt put my finger on for ages. every one started liking all this metal shit, and all being aggressive, because all their friends did, not because they happen to truly like it. leronie, has liked that music for ages, she doesnt have anything to do with being a try hard. anyway i have to go, ill add another entry later on tonight. seeya now
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