Does anyone read this thing?

Jan 14, 2009 22:46

So if you ever need to kill off a few hours, I highly recommend reading goopunnin's post history. There are some gems buried in there. Pat walks you through nearly every moment of his life over the course of a few years, and I make some sparing contributions... but really, there are some great moments. Like this little gem I just re-discovered. This is apparently a poem (who knew Pat was a poet?) addressed to Brooke at some point in 2003:

"Brooke now says she isn't gonna eat meat,
And for saying this, she is gonna get beat.

Meat is the best,
Brooke probably likes incest.

All kinds of meat even beef,
The Iroquios Indians probably had a chief.

Devin has a huge head,
I want to go to bed."

Truly amazing. Great read.


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