A bit of a dilemma...

Oct 04, 2005 17:49

Well it seems the first weekend of October came and went and I didn't notice until today, till I heard Deirdra mention that it was this upcoming weekend that we'd be workin, well that's not fine and dandy at all.It sucks to be exact and because Friday night is the formal and there is no fuckin way I am driving to Ft.Myers for a few hours to come back home in the middle of the night on almost no sleep and then work and then back to work again on Saturday morning. I asked Helen if I could somehow skip this Saturday and make it up on another Saturday and she didn't like that idea t all. I said well is there anyway I can miss it? She said if I were to get all my work caught up by Friday and not have any left over or any significant amount left over, that I could indeed miss Saturday and that means I'd be able to not worry about coming back.

I said I wish I could just get on Instar at home and do my work from there to catch up.Reason I even have to catch up is because Laura is out sick, really sick and in the hospital for the time being so someone has to cover for her which means someone has to cover for that person covering for her and then Deirdra has to cover for that person and I am covering for no one, Im alone FUCK! I have a stack of paper work already piled high into the heavens and I can only hope that Kelly and Stacy both want to do some certificates for a little while to ease my workload. Apparently I can get Instar up and running from my house though if I get on to a certain website and get onto the server. I can do the certificates there and then come in the next day and print them, then fax them out and be caught up for the most part and then boom, Im out the door Friday and hauling ass as soon as I get home.

I gotta find a way to fix my next problem, my self proclaimed dilemma. I wont be working Saturday if I get caught up and because I wont be working it, I cant get a day off during the week like you usually get for working that day on the weekend which means my Friday I was going to take off is fucked. I must work it and most likely I'd have to stay till 5. Maybe I can like jet early and work the couple of hours I take off early at some other time, like an hour here or there or 30 minutes each day after work for 5 days totaling 2 and a half hours, giving me time enough to get there around 5 something, 6 pm which is still late as fuck.

I dont want to leave at that time for the Keys, but who knows what's going to happen. I guess I might have a few alternatives and or ways to get out of this jam a bit easier being that I am who Iam there, the owners daughters boyfriend. So maybe I got a little leeway to squeeze by or something, I hope so damnit. I guess we can get there late and shit will still be all good, but I'd honestly rather an earlier time. If I were to take Friday off and head to Ft.Myers around 1 or maybe a bit before, I could make it there around 3 and we could head out not long after Brooke gets out of her classes around 3/3:30 and even at that time, it's going to take us from what I hear, 8 or so hours depending upon traffic, cops and how many stops for gas etc. idk yet, still 3 weeks away, but damn that's close as hell! I cant wait though, it's going to be fuckin beautiful there.

Hmm well that's all I want to write for now. I loved the ride home from work today though, fucking great temperature and almost no sun, beautiful!

I cant wait wooooot! O and only 6 more days = 1 month and lookin forward to many many more count downs, dances, great weekends together and fun together.

Miss you Brooke

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