stop worrying about the crayons and just color....

Mar 27, 2006 22:36

soooo....this was pretty much the best weekend EVER!

it was the MASC state conference, which is always amazing. 
butttt, it was even more amazing beacuse i won the Pat C. Boss award.  Let's just say it's a big time award, and you get a plaque and all. and i cried more than i think i ever have.  And for the first time in my life, i was speechless. I look up to a lot of the past award winners, and it feels amazing to be in the same arena as them.

Other than that, states was super fun. I loved my Northern kids and it was a blast staying up until wee hours of the night dong stupid stuff with them. And, how could i not love people who make up asian raps for me when i won the award. ha. i'm so glad i got to know  them better, and met even more people.  It made me more excited for college, and the rest of senior year and everything that's ahead of me.

Thank you sooooo much to all of my friends for your continual love and support, i couldn't ask for more.  I love you all soooo much you don't even know.

*i guess this doesn't really help in my past entry. i mean, i'm not complaining, but this is another good AMAZING thing, and i'm just kinda wondering when it's gonna come crashing down, cuz life can't be all greatness.*

ps~ pics will be posted in yahoo photos soon!
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