You Would Be a Good Spouse 40% of the Time
In general, you have the skills and ability to make a marriage work.
However, you're still a bit too selfish to be a good spouse. You almost always put yourself first.
If you want to have a good marriage (either someday or right now), you're going to have to give more than you take.
Be proactive every day. Work on being a good friend, family member, and partner. With practice, you'll be an excellent spouse.
Would You Be a Good Wife or Husband? this is true though, I'm really selfish at times, also I dont' think I can get past the little things that annoy me or drive me crazy. I highly doubt I would survive (or he would survive) in a marital situation. Not only am I selfish a lot of times but I have a hot temper too. Boy, is it hot. :D