Oct 13, 2005 03:15
September has ended and it is time to wake up. In the song, Green Day says that 7 years have gone so fast. Seven years ago, it was Fall 1998 :-O Take this quiz, post the results, and see how much things have changed since then.
7 years ago...
How old were you? 20
What grade were you in? um none, graduated HS in '96 and had finished 1 year of college then dropped out (damn i feel old)
Where did you go to school? nowhere...went to VSU prior year
Where did you work?: full-time mommy, part-time at Eckerds as a pharmacy technician
Where did you live? Atlanta, GA
How was your hair style? umm, don't remember if i had cut it yet...either to my ass or pixie cut
Did you have braces? nope, not since i was 14
Did you wear contacts? nope
Did you wear glasses? not prescription ones
Who was your best friend? Moe (still is) and Johnathon
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? fiance, Chris, my daughter's father
Who was your celebrity crush? Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder (still are)
Who was your regular-person crush? didn't have one other than my fiance
Were you a virgin? ha! not unless my daughter was an immaculate conception
How many piercings did you have? my tongue, a ton in my ears, HAD had both brows, navel, and nostrils
How many tattoos did you have? nada
What was your favorite band? artist- Tori amos....band, liked too much music to say, still couldn't say
What was your biggest fear? something bad happening to my baby
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? yup, lots
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? yup, lots (had alot of fun in my teenage years)
Had you driven yet? yup
If so what car(s) my mom's car during my learner's permit, then i had a 82' Buick Regal hoopty-mobile....yay for bench velour seats <3, in fall of '98 i think i had just gotten my royal blue Saturn
Which of your pets were still alive? Pepper
Do you know anyone on LiveJournal that you knew back then? my younger sister
Which members of your family/friends were still alive? all of my family, most of my friends
Which members of your family were not born yet? no one
Did you know the person who sent this to you? nope