'Course we're not in hell! Ya see any fire and tortured souls 'round here? Man, am I glad to see y-- Wait a sec.. What were you doin' before getting here?
But you just- gah, whateva, I'm just happy ta see ya here and not... kickin' ass? Well, April 'n' me and that Foot leader were bringin' the thirteenth monster back to that Winter's museum. Ya guys found Leo and were kickin' ass against the four living statues and waitin' around for us, but... now we're here?
Huh.. Now that's just weird, the whole Winter's thing happened a while ago for me, but maybe s'like what people been sayin'.. Man, you came here from the past or something like that.
Tha past? So I just got thrown into the future? But hey, this means you guys win! Awesome! I knew we'd win in the end! So hey, do the babe and me get hitched?
Uh, yeah, 'bout that.. Don't know exactly where the shell this is, but everyone calls it Avoria, and man.. Are you in for some surprises in this place!
Welcome to hell, pal.
Raphie! Wait, we're in hell? Aw, ,man! I don't wanna be here! DX So if I'm here and you're here, then...
Aw, pal, I'm sorry...
'Course we're not in hell! Ya see any fire and tortured souls 'round here? Man, am I glad to see y-- Wait a sec.. What were you doin' before getting here?
Well, April 'n' me and that Foot leader were bringin' the thirteenth monster back to that Winter's museum. Ya guys found Leo and were kickin' ass against the four living statues and waitin' around for us, but... now we're here?
Say, where are we, anyway? This don't look a thing like Manhattan.
Uh, hold on a sec, Raphie. Gotta fight with Satan ta keep my soul.
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